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Ambivalence, Conflict, and (Social) Decision-Making

Hohnsbehn, J., Pauels, E., & Schneider, I. K. (accepted). Open for business: How leader ambivalence facilitates upward follower communications via perceptions of increased cognitive flexibility and responsiveness. Current Psychology

Đurić, M., Righetti, F., Zoppolat, G., Lohmer, C., & Schneider, I. K. (accepted). Mixed signals: Romantic jealousy and ambivalence in relationships. Emotion


Righetti, F. + Duric, M, & Schneider, I.K. (accepted) Beyond good or bad: The four evaluative quadrants of relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Review.

Gillebaart, M., & Schneider, I. K. (2024). Effortless self-control. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101860,


Becker, D., Bijleveld, E., Braem, S., Fröber, K., Götz, F. J., Kleiman, T., Körner, A., Pfister, R., Reiter, A. M. F., Saunders, B., Schneider, I. K., Soutschek, A., van Steenbergen, H., & Dignath, D. (2024). An integrative framework of conflict and control. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 28(8), 757–768,

Anvari, F., Bachmann J., Sanchez-Burks J., &  Schneider, I.K. (2023). “Is ‘neutral’ really neutral? Mid-point ratings in the qffective norms english words (ANEW) may mask ambivalence.” Collabra: Psychology 9, no. 1 (July 14, 2023): 82204. (open access) data, files, scripts​

Zoppolat, G., Righetti, F., Faure, R., & Schneider, I.K (2023). A systematic study of ambivalence and well-being in romantic relationships. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-11. PDF

Unkelbach, C., Alves, H., Baldwin, M., Crusius, J., Diel, K., Galinsky, A. D., Gast, A., Hofmann, W., Imhoff, R., Genschow, O., Lammers, J., Pauels, E., Schneider, I.K. , Topolinski, S., Westfal, M., & Mussweiler, T. (2023). Relativity in Social Cognition: Basic processes and novel applications of social comparisons. European Review of Social Psychology, 0(0), 1-54. (open access)

Hohnsbehn, J., Urschler, D. & Schneider, I.K. (2022). Torn but Balanced: Trait Ambivalence is Negatively Related to Confirmation. Personality and Individual Differences  data, files, scripts PDF

Frank, C., Dorrough, A. R., & Schneider, I.K. (2022). Ambivalence and Adherence to Preventive Measures during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Data from the US and Germany. Data in Brief, 108124, paper (open access)

Schneider. I.K., Dorrough, A.R. & +Frank, C.  (2022). Ambivalence and Self-Reported Adherence to Recommendations to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19. Social Psychology. data, scripts, and materials paper (open access)

Schneider, I.K. & Mattes, A. (2021). Mix is Different from Nix: Mouse Tracking Differentiates Ambivalence from Neutrality. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. paper data, scripts, and materials

Schneider, I.K., Novin, S, van Harreveld, F, & Genschow, O. (2021). Benefits of Being Ambivalent: The Relationship between Trait Ambivalence and Attribution Biases. British Journal of Social Psychology. paper data, scripts, and materials

Gordon, T., Schneider, I.K., Shavi, S., & Bereby-Meyer, Y. (2020). Leaving with something: When do people experience an equity-efficiency conflict? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 34 (2). paper

Righetti, F., Schneider, I.K., Ferrier, D., Spiridonova, T., Xiang, R., & Impett, E.A. (2020). The Bittersweet Taste of Sacrifice: Consequences for Ambivalence and Mixed Reactions, 149(10), 1950–1968. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. paper

Schneider, I.K., Stapels, J., Koole, S.L. & Schwarz, N. (2020). Too close to call: Spatial distance between options influences choice difficulty. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 87, PDF  data, scripts, and materials

Schneider, I.K., Gillebaart, M., & Mattes, A. (2019). Meta-analytic evidence for ambivalence resolution as a key process in effortless self-control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85, PDF  data and scripts

Schneider, I. K., & Schwarz, N. (2017). Mixed feelings: the case of ambivalence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 15, 39-45. paper

Gillebaart M., Schneider, I.K., & De Ridder, T.D. Effects of Trait Self-Control on Response Conflict about Healthy and Unhealthy Food (2016). Journal of Personality, 84, 789-798. paper

Schneider I.K., Van Harreveld F., Rotteveel M., Topolinski S., van der Pligt J., Schwarz ., & Koole S.L. (2015). The Path of Ambivalence: Tracing the Pull of Opposing Evaluations using Mouse Trajectories. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:996. paper

van Harreveld, F., Nohlen, H. U., & Schneider, I.K. (2015). The ABC of ambivalence: Affective, behavioral, and cognitive consequences of attitudinal conflict. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 52, 285-324. paper

Van Harreveld, F., Nohlen, H.U, & Schneider, I.K. (2015) You shall not always get what you want: The consequences of ambivalence towards desires. in L.F. Nordgren & W. Hofmann (Eds), The Psychology of Desire (pp. 267-285). New York: Guilford Press.

van Harreveld, F., Rutjens, B.T., Schneider, I.K., Nohlen, H. & Keskinis, K. (2014). In doubt and disorderly: Ambivalence promotes compensatory perceptions of order. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 1666 -1676. paper

Schneider, I.K., Eerland, A., van Harreveld, F., Rotteveel, M., van der Pligt, J., van der Stoep, N., & Zwaan, R.A. (2013). One way and the other: The bi-directional relationship between ambivalence and body movement. Psychological Science, 24, 319-325. paper

Van Harreveld, Schneider, I.K., Nohlen, H.U., & van der Pligt (2011). Ambivalence and conflict in attitudes and decision-making. In B. Gawronski & F. Strack (eds.), Cognitive Consistency: A Fundamental Principle in Social Cognition (pp. 267-284) New York: Guilford Press

Relationships, Trust, Creativity, and more.

Anvari, F., Moeck, E. K., Franco, V. R., Elson, M., & Schneider, I. K. (2024). The “memory-experience gap” for affect does not reflect a general memory bias to overestimate past affect. Emotion, 

Pauer, S., Rutjens, B. T., Brick, C., Lob, A. B., Buttlar, B., Noordewier, M. K., Schneider, I.K., & van Harreveld, F. (2000). Is the Effect of Trust on Risk Perceptions a Matter of Knowledge, Control, and Time? An Extension and Direct-Replication Attempt of Siegrist and Cvetkovich (2000). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 19485506241263884. paper (open access)

Anvari, F., Arslan, R.C., Efendić, E.,  Elson, E., & Schneider, I.K. (2024). No Initial Elevation on Personality Self-Reports in an Online Convenience Sample. Collabra: Psychology 16 January 2024; 10 (1): 117096. paper (open access)

Pauels, E., Schneider, I. K., & Schwarz, N. (2023). Close to the same: Similarity influences remembered distance between stimuli. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 30, 1814–1828. 

Anvari, F., Efendić, E., Olsen, J., Arslan, R. C., Elson, M., & Schneider, I. K. (2023). Bias in self-reports: An initial elevation phenomenon. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(6), 727-737.

Anvari, F., Rensing, N. Z., Kalokerinos, E. K., Lucas, R. E., & Schneider, I. K. (2023). Assessing validity and bias of within-person variability in affect and personality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 

Dorrough, A.R., Bick, N., Bring, L., Brocker, C., Butz, C., & Schneider, I.K. (2022). Caring about (COVID-19 related) social issues signals trustworthiness: Direct and conceptual replication of Zlatev (2019). Collabra: Psychology paper (open access)  osf project

Schneider. I.K. & Mattes, A.M. (2021). The Effect of Spatial Distance between Objects on Categorization Level. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. data, scripts, and materials paper

Toribio-Flórez, D., van Harreveld, F., & Schneider, I.K. (2020). Ambivalence and Interpersonal liking: The expression of ambivalence as social validation of attitudinal conflict. Frontiers in Psychology paper

Leung, A.K.Y., Liou, S., Miron-Spektor, E., Koh, B., Chan, D, Eisenberg, R., & Schneider, I.K. (2018). Middle ground approach to paradox: Within- and between-culture examination of the creative benefits of paradoxical frames. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 114, 443-464, PDF

Lakens, D., Adolfi, F. G., Albers, C., Anvari, F., Apps, M. A., Argamon, S. E., … & Zwaan, R. (2018). Justify your Alpha. Nature Human Behavior, 2, 168-171, paper

Veenstra, L., Schneider, I. K., & Koole, S. L. (2017). The effects of motivational training on state anger and aggressive impulses among people varying in trait anger. Motivation Science, 3, 354-368. paper

Schneider, I.K., Veenstra, L., van Harreveld, F., Schwarz, N., & Koole, S.L. (2016). Let’s not be indifferent about neutrality: Neutral ratings in the IAPS mask mixed affective responses. Emotion, 16, 426-430. paper

Veenstra, L., Schneider, I.K., Bushman, B. J., & Koole, S. L. (2016). Drawn to danger: Trait anger predicts automatic approach behavior to angry faces. Cognition and Emotion, 31, 765-771. paper

van Kleef, G.A.,  Cheshin, A., Fischer, A.H., & Schneider, I.K. (2016). Editorial: The Social Nature of Emotions. Frontiers in Psychology – Emotion Science.  Find the e-book of the complete Research topic here

Stins J., Schneider I.K., Koole S.L., & Beek P.J. (2015). The Influence of Mental Imagery on Postural Sway: Differential Effects of Type of Body Movement and Person Perspective. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 11, 77-83. paper

Topolinski S., Zürn M., & Schneider I.K. (2015). What’s In and What’s Out in Branding? A Novel Articulation Effect for Brand Names. Frontiers in Psychology. 6, 585. paper

Tjew-A-Sin, M, Schneider, I.K., & Koole, S.L. (2015) Data from Paper ‘Embodied Terror Management: Interpersonal Touch Alleviates Existential Concerns among Individuals with Low Self-esteem’. Journal of Open Psychology Data 3(1):e2.

Schneider, I.K., Parzuchowski, M.,  Wojciszke, B., Schwarz, N., & Koole, S.L. (2015). Weighty data: importance information influences estimated weight of digital information storage devices. Frontiers in Psychology, (5), 1536. paper Read a commentary about the relevance of this paper here

Koole, S.L., Tjew A Sin, M., & Schneider, I.K. (2014). Embodied Terror Management: (Simulated) Interpersonal Touch Alleviates Existential Concerns among Individuals with Low Self-Esteem. Psychological Science, 25, 30-37

Koole, S.L., Tops, M., Strübin, S, Bouw, J., Schneider, I.K. & Jostmann, N.B. (2014). The Ego Fixation Hypothesis: Involuntary Persistence of Self-Control. In   J. P. Forgas & E. Harmon-Jones (Eds.), The control within: Motivation and its regulation (pp. 95 – 112). New York: Psychology Press

Koole, S.L., Tops, M., Fockenberg, D. &  Schneider, I.K. (2013). The Birth and Death of the Superhero Film. D. Sullivan and J. Greenberg (Eds.) Fade to Black: Death in Classic and Contemporary Cinema

Schneider, I.K., Rutjens, B.T. & Jostmann, N.B. & Lakens, D. (2011). Weighty matters. Importance literally feels heavy. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 474-478.  PDF Corrigendum: PDF

Lakens, D., Schneider, I.K., Jostmann, N.B., & Schubert, T.W. (2011). Telling things apart: The distance between response keys influences categorization times. Psychological Science, 22, 887-890. paper

Schneider, I.K., Konijn, E.A., Righetti, F. & Rusbult, C.E. (2011). A healthy dose of trust: The relationship between trust and health. Personal Relationships, 78, 668 – 676. paper

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